Mailbox Forwarding currently offers service in the following 3 cities. You can choose one or more of these addresses when signing up, and can easily add or remove addresses from within your account:
2885 Sanford Ave SW #12345 Grandville, MI 49418
5042 Wilshire Blvd #12345 Los Angeles, CA 90036
2637 E Atlantic Blvd #12345 Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Replace 12345 with your unique 5-digit mailbox number, which will be generated immediately after you sign up.
Receiving mail at the MI address (our central mail processing facility) is included in the price of every plan, whereas our CA and FL addresses carry an additional monthly fee ($14.95/mo and $9.95/mo respectively).
If you're worried about using an address that isn't local to you, most of our customers find that it doesn't really matter where the address is physically located, since you can manage all your mail online and forward any important letters to your home or business address (or anywhere else for that matter).
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